Information For Those Who Have Committed an Offence
If you have been referred to RJC by your local Court then your case has been put on hold to allow you to work with the project. You will be asked to attend an initial meeting to discuss the offence and your participation in the project.
You may then be asked to attend a meeting with a group of people who come together to discuss the offence and how to repair the harm caused. This meeting will be attended by you, a member of the Gardaí and a representative of RJC. The person who has been harmed by the offence or community members affected by the offence may also be present.
You will be asked to discuss the offence and to agree the steps you will take to make amends for the harm caused. This agreement is called the Contract of Reparation.
On the next Court date if the Judge is satisfied with the Contract they will put your case on hold to allow you to complete the tasks on your Contract. If you successfully complete your Contract the Judge will take into account your efforts to make amends to the victim and/or community.
The Contract of Reparation
The aim of the Contract of Reparation is to make amends for the harm caused by the offence. The Contract also aims to help you understand how your behaviour has affected you and others and how you might prevent this behaviour in the future.
Every Contract is different and involves different tasks. Some examples of the tasks that may be included in your Contract are….
- Meeting with and apologising to the person / people affected by the offence.
- Paying the cost of repairing any damage you may have caused.
- Carrying out voluntary work in the community.
- Writing about the offence and your attitude to it.
- Attending for drug or alcohol education and/or counselling.
You have been given the chance to work with RJC. If you choose to take this opportunity then you will be expected to co-operate in an honest and responsible way with the project. You will have the opportunity to accept responsibility for your actions, to understand the consequences of your actions, to make positive changes and to make amends.