Information for Persons affected by Crime
RJC invites those who have been affected by crime to participate in the restorative process on a voluntary basis. You can engage with the project to whatever extent you wish. We can help you to
- Seek information on the progress of your case
- Discuss how the offence affected you and your family
- Have a say in the outcome of your case
- Meet with the person who committed the crime against you in a safe environment.
Those who have engaged with the project have found that it can have benefits. The person affected by an offence has the opportunity to become a central figure in the process when they may have previously felt isolated. They have an opportunity to be heard, to have a say in what happens next and to receive information on outcomes. Research shows that further benefits experienced by people who have been affected by crime may include reduced fear of the offender, a feeling that the offender was held to account, less anger and help coming to terms with the offence. There may also be benefit in the sense of having monetary loss restored or understanding that the offender has taken responsibility for the harm caused by apologising or undertaking some form of reparation.
Our experience in RJC is that people affected by crime want different things: information, to be heard, to have a say, to be assured that the same thing won’t happen again to them or to someone else, an apology, to seek reparation and sometimes compensation.
In recognising these different needs, we are prepared to take a very flexible approach in our work. As such RJC is prepared to work with those affected by crime to whatever extent they wish to become involved. Whether that is not to be involved at all, to seek information, indirect mediation or whether they wish to work towards a face to face meeting with the offender. If a victim does not wish to become involved then their views are represented to the maximum extent during the restorative process.