About Us
Restorative Justice in the Community (RJC) (formerly Nenagh Community Reparation Project) is a restorative justice project supported and funded by the Probation Service.
Restorative Justice brings together everybody affected by a crime to decide how to repair the harm caused. It allows the person affected by the crime to say how they have been affected and allows those who have committed the crime the opportunity to accept responsibility and to make amends.
Restorative justice approaches try to provide ways of dealing with the aftermath of crime which are more satisfactory for victims of crime, more constructive for communities and society and more re-integrative for offenders. A widely recognised definition of Restorative Justice is: “a process whereby all parties with a stake in a specific offence resolve collectively how to deal with the aftermath of the offence and its implications for the future” (Marshall I, 1999)
RJC is based in Nenagh, County Tipperary and currently works with communities in Munster and the Midlands. RJC works alongside the traditional Court System and is a different way of dealing with some of the cases that come before the Courts.
We work with adults of all ages but our primary referrals tend to be young people aged 18-25. The project was founded as a pilot in 1999 to work solely in Nenagh District Court but in recent years has expanded to offer a restorative option to many communities in Munster and the Midlands.
RJC deals with a broad range of offences including: assault, theft and related offences, burglary, damage to property and the full range of public order offences.